#ProtestPSPO photos – Hillingdon, Forest of Dean, Woking, Cambridge

On 6 and 7 August, we held a series of protests across the country against PSPOs (see the #ProtestPSPO website)

Here are the photos from Hillingdon, Forest of Dean, Cambridge and Woking on 6 August.


HILLINGDON: Standing in groups of two in Hillingdon, to protest against the council’s ban on ‘standing in groups of two or more unless waiting at a designated bus stop’.

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CAMBRIDGE: Street theatre performers bring back to life the Cambridgeshire Witch Finders of the 17th Century, protesting against the council’s ban on punt touting.





FOREST OF DEAN: Members of the sheep Commoners Association deliver a petition against the council’s plan to ban sheep from the village of Bream.



WOKING: Student Luke Buckland opposes Woking Council’s ban on begging.

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