I just received this email from a Scout leader, who was asked to CRB a serving police officer. A worrying story for the times, showing how old forms of authority (police, politicians) are being replaced with new (child protection coordinators, health and safety advisers).
‘I have just been asked to do a CRB check on a serving police officer so that he can help in his son’s cub scout pack. I thought this had to be an over enthusiastic misinterpretation of the rules, so I queried it with the Scout Association. Amazingly, they have confirmed that indeed they do NOT trust the Police to employ only such people as a young person can safely turn to when in trouble.
Sowing the seeds of that level of suspicion is not going to make young people safe: quite the opposite. If they ever did find themselves alone, lost and frightened, how would they trust anyone to help them? Here is a clear example of how the current level of vetting is so dangerous, and I’m disappointed to find one of our respected youth organisations supporting it.’ Alex Ballard