No Means No! Essays on the Eve of the European Council Meeting

Nous c'est Non A critique of the EU today needs to go beyond the tired opposition between a Brussels superstate and pristine national political cultures. We need a pan-European political response, and an open-ended political analysis that takes into account the events unfolding before us. On the eve of the European Council meeting on 11-12 December, the Manifesto Club published essays by Bruno Waterfield and Chris Bickerton – analysing the anti-democratic impulse of EU politics, and the political opportunities for saying No.

    No Means No! Essays on the Eve of the European Council Meeting

    PART 1: E-Who? Politics behind closed doors, by Bruno Waterfield
    PART 2: ‘No’ to the politics of the fait accompli, by Christopher Bickerton

    Download the publication in full (.pdf)

Bruno Waterfield is the Brussels correspondent for the Daily Telegraph (he blogs at Christopher Bickerton is a lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford.