A movement is growing: all across the country, pubs, restaurants and bars are signing a charter saying that they will not be enforcing vaccine passports.
We do not believe it is right that we, as premises and promoters, should demand to see proof of medical records or health status. For that reason, we have signed up to the Licensed Premises & Events Charter – OPEN FOR ALL which means that we shall not be forcing our patrons to show us any documentation referring to health status in order to gain entry.
Just this morning the charter was signed by a working men’s club in Cheshire, the Church Tavern in Erdington, and Happy Hatters Cafe in Birkenhead.
If you are involved in running a licensed venue, please consider adding your name.
If you are a member of the public, please pass on news of this charter to your local pubs, cafes, restaurants, or music venues.
Vaccine passports represent a grievous threat to liberty. We should never have to prove our medical status before gaining access to public places. People should not be excluded from civic life because they are unable or unwilling to be vaccinated.
Other establishments also speaking out against vaccine passports include museums, cinemas, churches, and retail.
We are told by the government that vaccine passports are ‘inevitable’. But they cannot go ahead if people do not consent. And many people do not consent.
Please help by sending the ‘Open For All’ charter far and wide – online, over email, and in your local pub.
Read the Manifesto Club's statement on Vaccine passports