Road safety campaigner banned from filming in Ealing

A road safety campaigner was issued with a Community Protection Notice banning him from filming in Ealing, as well as from posting pictures of anyone without their written consent. This case shows how those in positions of authority – in this case, a councillor – are able to use the CPN system in order to protect their own reputations or seek their own ends. It also shows how, once someone has received a CPN, they become ‘fair game’ for harassment by others, and unable to receive a normal level of public protection. His CPN appeal will be held in February. This is…

Suicidal woman given CPW based on false allegations

Here is a testimony from a woman with significant mental health problems who received a CPW on the basis of false allegations. This shows how councils and police are taking minimal care in their use of CPNs against people with mental health problems, in spite of advice in the guidance that CPNs should not be used against vulnerable groups. It also shows how the CPN can function as a sort of ‘black mark’, encouraging others to target that person with harassment and further allegations. Such CPW interventions worsen neighbour relations, as well as substantially worsen the situation of the CPN recipient. Read…

CPW for allowing leaves to drift on to neighbour’s drive

I was given a Community Protection Warning by Nottinghamshire Police for allegedly allowing garden materials onto a neighbouring drive. I was told that this concerned materials such as a bark chippings (which I use as mulch), and leaves. I am very have upset by their action as I had made every reasonable attempt to contain the material, building walls and barriers. The same neighbour reported me to the police on another occasion for my Christmas decorations. In response to directives in the CPW I have ripped up part of my garden, and erected netting to catch the leaves and bark that Nottingham…

Hotel owner issued CPW for non-existent dog fouling

I am a hotel owner in Blackpool, and I was issued a Community Protection Warning Letter (CPW) in June 2023 from Blackpool Council, served at my home by a police officer and PSCO from Lancashire Constabulary on the council’s behalf. The CPW was based on a single argument with a neighbour, and fictitious allegations made by the same neighbour that I allowed my dog Max to ‘regularly foul on the public footpath and never pick it up’. I was more upset about the dog poo allegation than the argument. I pick up plastic from the beach on a daily basis, and I…

Imprisoned for feeding the pigeons

We have been in touch with an elderly man who received a series of Community Protection Notices, Civil Injunctions, and now a Criminal Behaviour Order, for the offence of feeding the birds. The gentleman says that feeding the birds has helped him with grief after the loss of his partner, and with alcoholism and mental health issues. This is someone who requires help and sensitive treatment. Yet the council has responded only with criminalisation, issuing a series of legal orders and breach prosecutions, one of which resulted in a 15-week spell in prison. The man says that the council’s actions have left…

Elderly pensioner issued CPN for alleged ‘banging on ceiling’

(Guest post by the Manna Society) An 80-year-old pensioner was served with a Community Protection Notice (CPN) following a complaint by their upstairs neighbour alleging that the pensioner was hitting their ceiling at unsociable hours and disturbing them. On receipt of the CPN, the pensioner brought it to the attention of the Manna Society, a charity running a day centre they were using daily. The pensioner was adamant that they were not responsible for the noise nuisance and could not be responsible due to health issues. The pensioner was absolutely incensed – they had been resident for over 25 years, and up…